Anna’s Nest

The Jesus Prayer


I don’t write about spiritual things very often here, but I think this is a good time. Frankly, life has been a little overwhelming lately. We have our hands full with a new baby and a new puppy (not a recommended combo, but they’re both great), and keeping up with those two while trying to juggle the other areas of our lives has been a bit nuts. Today I was inspired by a blog post my amazing sister-in-law wrote (and have seen about 3 other similar themes in other unrelated blogs I visit), and reminded that I don’t need to just blindly accept all the overwhelming things that I come across (and get overwhelmed and paralyzed by them). I have tools!

My favorite is the Jesus Prayer, a simple, ancient prayer just one sentence long that pretty much encompasses all of the theology I’ll ever need, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Repeating this over and over has an amazing calming, healing effect on me, and I wish I would do it more – not just during Lent or when I’m overwhelmed, but a constant internal repetition – the prayer of the heart.

Filed Under: Spiritual

  1. Ha! Funny that your SIL asked for Rhonda’s help. That used to be a phrase of mine. I said it all the time. Help me Rhonda. Hmmmmmm. . .is there a St. Rhonda? Anyway, I used to accept every activity that came along. I felt like I had to do everything. After Brennan came, I had to put a MAJOR halt to that. I have realized that I don’t have to do everything with everybody. PHEW! And, yes, the Jesus Prayer is a great tool. But so is saying ‘No’.

    H West    Mar 27, 09:55 PM    #
  2. Hey! You’re blog is awsome! I wish i could find more christian blogs online. It makes me feel good that I’m not alone in this evil mansion of horrors. Where do you live? II live in wisconsin.

    Abbigail    Apr 2, 02:06 PM    #
  3. Anna, I have totally gotten so much thought mileage out of this since visiting your blog a couple of weeks ago, and have totally stolen your/the church fathers’ idea for my own purposes! Thanks for sharing your heart on this.

    Janel    Apr 25, 09:08 PM    #
  4. Oh, I’m so glad it’s helped you too Janel!

    Anna    Apr 26, 11:09 AM    #
  5. There is a little gold nugget of a book on THE JESUS PRAYER!

    The Orthodox world – and beyond – is acquainted
    with the justly famous and righteous Elder Joseph the Hesychast,
    who reposed on the Holy Mountain in 1959. Less known outside Russia is
    Archbishop Golinsky-Michaelovsky, who was another
    committed practioner and teacher of The Jesus Prayer.
    The English Language Editor was Fr. Ambrose (Young) and the
    Publisher was The Skete of the Entrance of the
    Theotokos into the Temple in Haysville, Ohio.

    go to – - – - for a preview!

    2 ELDERS ON THE JESUS PRAYER    Jun 23, 08:33 PM    #
  6. Continue your great work! Keep on sharing great ideas and information!

    Tree Removal    Jan 7, 01:43 PM    #
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