Anna’s Nest

Bridget Ruth Warren


Bridget was born at 11:55 am on Saturday, December 29th. She weighed 7 lbs, 8 ozs, and was 19.5 inches long – a perfect size, if you ask me.

Actually, she’s perfect in every other way too. You might think I’m biased, but I’m sure I’m not – she’s actually the most perfect thing I’ve ever seen! Brian and I are totally and completely head over heels in love with her – I knew I would love her, but I really had no idea how much.

She turned 2 weeks old today! I can’t believe that I’ve been a mom that long. And it also seems like she’s been in our lives forever – I can’t imagine life without Bridget.

I’ll post more later – hopefully a bit about the delivery and how our lives have changed since, but I wanted to let everyone in on our fabulous news. For more pictures and a video clip or two, you can visit her website (yes, her daddy is a web designer in case you wondered):

Filed Under: Bridget, Family

  1. She is absolutely the most gorgeous baby on the planet perhaps in the universe. She is now on my blog. i think people are sick of me showing off the photos. Oh they can just get over it. Love you guys.

    Lauri Day    Jan 13, 08:17 PM    #
  2. Congrats to you and Brian! Before long she’ll be smiling and “talking” to you!

    Matt Hartgrove    Jan 14, 07:43 PM    #
  3. congratulations, anna and brian! she’s gorgeous!

    carissa ward    Jan 15, 10:03 AM    #
  4. Yeah, I think it’s funny that you can not have any kids and then, all of a sudden, you have them and then it’s like you’ve always had them. Somehow, they’ve always existed. Weird. Congrats. Can’t wait to see!!!!

    H West    Jan 15, 08:09 PM    #
  5. Congrats. I do believe she is the most beautiful newborn I have ever seen. I cannot wait to meet her. Love to all.

    Eleni Foreso    Jan 16, 01:56 PM    #
  6. I am elated for you guys. :)

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Anna’s Nest is the craft and tutorial website for me, Anna Warren. It’s also where I keep my blog. Enjoy!

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