Anna’s Nest

What a Pleasant Day


Some of you may have noticed my DH has been hard at work. He did some great redesign on my blog last night. The Portfolio section looks completely different, and even has a new name! The Sketchbook section also has a new name, and received some tweaks.

Today I was also very industrious.

I took down our Christmas decorations. I thought of just leaving them up and getting an early start on next year, but decided I wasn’t quite over that line in lateness yet.

I also raked some leaves and did some general garden-type maintenance work in the yard. It was a beautiful day, a bit chilly but sunny and pleasant.

I did some laundry and tidied up a bit, and organized some shelves.

There’s something about doing productive things. It just feels so good and clean, and living in a tidier house is a great plus too. When I sit around and goof off on Saturdays, I most certainly have fun, but it doesn’t have quite as pleasing of a feel.

Tonight we watched Serenity. Nothing like relaxing after a hard day’s work! While we viewed, we ate BLT sandwiches, and of course, popcorn. We have been waiting a long time for this movie, as there’s been a huge wait on our Netflix list. The viewing was definitely a success.

We are big fans of the TV series it was based off of, Firefly. We arrived kind of late to the game – it had already been cancelled (after only 15 episodes!), and so we viewed it courtesy of Netflix. I am not pleased with FOX for cancelling it. Tsk, tsk. I guess now we know why there’s never anything good on – it gets cancelled! After watching the series, we decided to buy it. Quality stuff.

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Anna’s Nest is the craft and tutorial website for me, Anna Warren. It’s also where I keep my blog. Enjoy!

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